High School
Dominating The Game of College
Students learn about the Acing The Undergrad Method which is ten principles critical for college success. Students watch interactive ATU videos, complete activity sheets for application, play Kahoot quizzes, and can win prizes.
Who Am I Part 1
Students learn the skill of how to self-reflect and become self-aware of who they are as a person.
The Game of Life
Students learn how to win at life and create the lifestyle that they want in this five-part speaking event series. The 5 parts of The Game of Life are Soft Skills, Hard Skills, Money and Wealth, Power and Respect, and Legacy.
The Fear Factor
Students learn what fear truly is and how to use it as a strength in their lives.
Your Personal Brand &
Code Switching
Students learn about the concepts of personal branding and code-switching through interactive activities which include videos, skits, and Kahoot quizzes
Focus Vs. Distractions
Students learn how in today’s technology world, they have been setup to fail because of the amount of distractions at their fingertips. The only way to win and beat the distractions is by learning how to focus and enter into the zone (entering into the zone is giving 100% focus).
Who Am I Part 2
Students learn about the importance of having values and principles that govern their lives. By the end of this workshop, students will have self-awareness of what current values and principles they want to live by.
Who Am I Part 3
Students learn leadership skills and how to be a leader of their own life.
Four Gems For Life
Students learn about four gems for life that will upgrade their lives for ever if applied. The first gem is that the secret to getting any opportunity is to add value to people’s lives. The second gem is that you also get opportunities if people trust you. People trust you if they have a relationship with you or because of your credentials. The third gem is that everything in life is like a pyramid. Are you like the majority at the bottom or the few at the top? The fourth gem is to play the long game. Focus on long term goals over short term gratification.
The Fear Factor
Students learn what fear truly is and how to use it as a strength in their lives.
Students learn the importance of and benefits of showing gratitude.
Focus Vs. Distractions
Students learn how in today’s technology world, they have been setup to fail because of the amount of distractions at their fingertips. The only way to win and beat the distractions is by learning how to focus and enter into the zone (entering into the zone is giving 100% focus).
Top Five Destiny Destroyers
Students learn about the top five things that can stop them from achieving their life goals and purpose in life.
Fixed Vs Growth Mindset
Students will learn to see if they have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. Do they believe that they are stagnant with their current skills or that they can grow their strengths and weaknesses.
What Does Success Really Look Like
Students learn what it takes to truly be successful and that the path to success is not quick or easy.
An Intro To Entrepreneurship
Students get introduced to entrepreneurship
Top Five Things For Senior Year Of High School
Students learn about the top five things they should be doing during their senior year to prepare them for college.
Advanced Entrepreneurship
Students will think of a business idea and create a simple feasibility statement to give them a taste of entrepreneurship.